India’s Biggest Sport Game

Get the enthralling experience using this entertaining platform with the opportunity to earn cash and have fun.

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    Select Your Favorite Sport

    Explore all the available options and choose the one you like the most. Just after selecting your favorite sport, you get access to other options available on your app.

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    Select A Match

    Select from the upcoming matches and participate in the game displaying your sports knowledge and skills.

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    Build Your Team

    Use your sports expertise and showcase your ability to create your Gaming Olympian team within a limited credit point and categories. You can check the player's information and add players in your team as per the selected categories. The categories are:

    WK - Wicket-keeper
    BAT - Batsmen
    BWL - Bowlers
    AR - All-rounders

    Select the players for your Gaming Olympian team from specified categories.

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    Choose the Captain & Vice Captain Wisely

    Get the ultimate experience to earn based on your selected Captain and Vice Captain field performance.

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    Add Cash In Wallet

    One must add cash in Gaming Olympian wallet in order to play and participate in the contest. Money in your Gaming Olympian Wallet is divided into 3 categories.

    Unutilized:- The amount which you have deposited in the account, but not joined any league using this amount.

    Winning:- The amount of money earned by winning the cash leagues.

    Cash Bonus:- The amount which cannot be withdrawn, but can be used to join any public league given by Gaming Olympian.

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    Participate in the League/Contest

    Grab to the opportunity to play with friends and compete with them using Gaming Olympian. Do not miss the chance to earn cash and display your sports knowledge and skills to friends.

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    Track & Withdraw Your Winning Amount

    Get real-time information of match and track your fantasy scorecard using Gaming Olympian. The winning amount will be credited in your Gaming Olympian account which can be withdrawn on the immediate basis.